Privacy Policy

Robin Wesley Productions BV
KVK / Chamber Of Commerce 81857608  

Last Update: March 28, 2024


For any inquiries regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us or visit our knowledge base for more information.

Purpose of Our Policy

Robin Wesley Productions BV (referred to as "we", "us", or "our") has implemented this Privacy Policy to establish standards for protecting the Personal Information we collect. This policy is necessary for:

  • Providing the system and services we offer.

  • The normal day-to-day operations of our business.

This Privacy Policy adheres to the regulations and principles of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) concerning Personal Data handling. We aim to make it straightforward for our customers and the public to understand what Personal Information we collect and store, the reasons for its collection, how we use that information, and individuals' rights concerning their Personal Information in our possession.

Applicability of This Policy

Our Privacy Policy addresses the management of "personal information" and "personal data" as defined in the Privacy Act and GDPR, respectively (referred to as "Personal Information"). It applies to Personal Information we handle directly and on behalf of our customers. While this policy does not cover information about businesses or companies, it does apply to information regarding individuals within those entities. Our policy encompasses all types of information, whether collected or stored electronically or in hardcopy.

By providing Personal Information of others, you confirm that you have their consent for the specified purpose. We emphasize the importance of children's privacy, not knowingly collecting data from individuals under 16 without parental consent.

Information We Collect

We may collect a variety of Personal Information, including but not limited to:

  • Personal details (e.g., name, date of birth, nationality)

  • Contact information

  • Financial details for transactions

  • Statistical information for analytical purposes

We may also collect non-personal information related to computer, network, and browser specifics, which falls outside GDPR's scope when non-personal.

Collection Methods

Personal Information is primarily collected through interactions with our Products or Services, inquiries, or general dealings with us. This may occur via:

  • Registrations/Enrollments

  • Purchases of Products or Services

  • Supplying goods or services to us

  • Direct contact in various forms

  • Physical access to our facilities

  • Internet access, potentially involving cookies and pixel tags

We are committed to transparency during the collection process, ensuring individuals are aware of when their Personal Information is being collected.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

We adhere to the principle of using Personal Information solely for its intended collection purpose, unless consent for other uses is obtained. Processing of Personal Information is based on lawful grounds, primarily consent and legitimate interests, with retention periods necessary for outlined purposes.

We may disclose Personal Information to third parties in a GDPR-compliant manner for business operations, ensuring informed consent where necessary. Disclosures or sales of Personal Information to unrelated third parties without prior consent are prohibited.

Opting In and Out

Individuals have the right to opt-in to or opt-out of our collection and processing of their Personal Information, which may affect the provision of our services.

Security of Personal Information

We take precautions to protect Personal Information from unauthorized access, including secure storage and transmission. However, the security of online transactions and communications cannot be guaranteed.

Access, Update, and Removal of Information

Individuals can update their Personal Information within their account/profile and have the right to request access to the Personal Information we hold about them, subject to GDPR regulations.

Complaints and Disputes

Complaints about our handling of Personal Information should be addressed in writing. We aim to resolve disputes directly, with the option for judicial remedies under GDPR infringement.

Contacting Individuals and Us

We may send important notices regarding terms, conditions, and policies, with no option to opt-out of materially important communications.

For privacy-related correspondence:

Data Protection Officer  

Robin Wesley Productions  
KVK 81857608  
Weldinkhorst 48, Enschede 7531 EL, The Netherlands  

Policy Amendments

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy, with changes posted on our webpage. This policy is in addition to any measures we take to comply with the GDPR.